The Basics
- 12 weeks minimum commitment
- One hour per week at a community venue (usually after-school, around 3.30pm)
- Around 15 children aged 9 – 11 in each club
- No previous knowledge of coding needed
- Help children use Code Club projects to make games, animations and websites
To volunteer at a Code Club you need to
- Be available for one hour a week to help with a Code Club session in a local school, library or community venue
- Commit to volunteering for at least one school term (12 weeks)
- Have time to prepare for the Code Club session each week. This may include organising, printing resources and completing the project you will be doing with the children in advance
- Organise a criminal record check for yourself
- Be happy to collaborate with the contact at the venue to make the club run smoothly
- Be confident with computers. You don’t have to be a coding genius, most clubs start with simple programs like Scratch, but you need to be willing to learn
Please note: unfortunately we cannot cover expenses for our volunteers. You are not allowed to charge for your club. Code Club is always free for children to attend. These are the rules.
How Code Club support you
- We will need two references. We will provide you with an Identity card once background checks are completed.
- Someone from the venue will be with you throughout the sessions
- We provide great projects for the children which are step by step guides for creating games, animations and websites
- Free online or face to face training sessions to get you started
Read more about the role of a Code Club volunteer.
Ready to go? Register on our site as a volunteer to contact a local venue and get started.
When you sign up on our site, we will take you step by step through the things you need to do to get started as a volunteer.
- Create an account
- Complete our simple online training or attend a face to face training session
- Your registration is now complete
- Search for venues where you want to volunteer from your Code Club Hub account. At this stage you will show up in searches and clubs might contact you too
- Once you have found a club to volunteer with, you will need to visit the venue to plan, meet the club host and show them your Code Club BD identity card.
- The club host will add you to the club and an active club will appear in your Club Hub.
Working Safely with Children
Guidelines on Safeguarding
Code Clubs should be a creative, fun and safe place for children to learn. Code Club are committed to following best practice when it comes to safeguarding and we do all we can to make sure that our volunteers know how to protect themselves and the children they work with.
For Volunteers
If you are volunteering at a club, there are 3 really important things you will need to do before you get started:
- Providing two references
- Code Club BD identity card will be issued only after successful background checks have been carried out.
- Complete Code Club’s Training
You can do this online, or at one of our training sessions around the country. This is so we know you have the facts about keeping children safe.
As a Code Club volunteer, you should:
- Never be left alone with young people
- Take care not to have physical contact with young people attending the club
- Do not take or share photos of your club without appropriate permission
- Do not make personal contact with children, via social media or otherwise
- Ask for a copy of the venue’s Child Protection or Safeguarding policy and familiarise yourself with the contents
As an adult working with children, you have a duty to report anything that concerns you about a child in your club. Should you have a concern or if a child in your club discloses information that concerns you, you should raise the matter immediately with a member of staff at the club venue, who will guide you on appropriate next steps.
For Club Hosts
All Code Club volunteers receive basic safeguarding guidance before they start.
It is your responsibility to do the following to safeguard the volunteer and the children you are working with:
- Check the volunteer’s official Code Club BD identity card when you first meet to plan the club.
- Make sure that the volunteer is accompanied by a member of staff at all times whilst on site.
Talking to us
We take safeguarding issues extremely seriously.
If you have a concern about a child or about one of our volunteers you can contact us at
You can also read our Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding Reporting Procedure
- Contact a few clubs to find the one that best suits your availability. Remember: most school clubs are run on weekdays around 3.30pm.
- Don’t wait until you have your references/identity card to start contacting clubs – do both as everything takes time!